Wednesday, August 5, 2009
I'm Such A Slacker...
So last Thursday Kody and I got in a HUGE fight! It was probably one of the biggest we've had, and the worst we've had here in the last few weeks that we've been fighting. I don't really want to go into details, but my temper got out of control and he got really mad at me. After I woke up from a two hour nap, that was meant to cool me off, I came out to the living room and he was writing something on his note pad. It turns out it was a letter to me. He wrote it and then told me he was leaving for a couple hours because he needed to get away from me. I was pretty upset because every other time we have a fight we always just talk it out and we are all better. I tried to stop him from going, but no prevail. Finally, I just let him go, thinking that would be the best. I couldn't stop crying, though. And to top it all off, he was almost an hour late coming home. But we finally sorted out our problems and we've been pretty much perfect ever since.
The next day we were to head home, to my parent's, because I had a family reunion to go to. Friday my best friend, Chelsey wanted me to go to the club with her, so Kody just stayed home and hung out with our friend, John. I ended up going to the club with Chelsey, my sister, Ashlee, and her friend. Our original plan was to go to this dance club but we got there and NOBODY was there. So I said "let's go to the gay bar," so we did. And we had so much fun.
Saturday was my family reunion, and it was the first time Kody went to one of my family functions, besides the holidays. It was an alright time, I mean who really has fun at a family reunion. Afterwards we went to Hobby Lobby so I could get some things for my jewlery. I ended up making a bracelet and starting on a pair of earrings. That night we watched Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix because I haven't seen it since it was in theaters, two years ago.
Sunday my grandma took us and my cousins to see Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, since I hadn't seen it yet. I was waiting to see it with her so since I was home I figured it would be a good time to see it. And it was amzing, like they all are. Harry Potter never disappoints. After finishing up the earrings I started and finishing up a necklace, because my grandma said she will try and sell my stuff at this garage sale, we headed on back to school.
The last couple of days, nothing much has gone on with me...until today. Today has been a pretty bad day. First I waterlogged my Blackberry, but I got it working again after just blowing it out for about an hour or two. After fixing that problem, my scroll ball fell apart, so I couldn't actually do anything on my phone but listen to music. So since I had music, I walked to campus to go to the financial aid office, but happened to forget my tax forms, so I pretty much walked there for nothing. Thank goodness, Kody was able to fix my scroll ball. The ring around it just needs glued in place because it has lost almost all of its prongs.
Well, I hope you have had a good week, so far.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Going Home This Weekend
This weekend, we are going home because I have a family reunion to go to. Last year I was unable to go because I had just moved back to school and didn't have the money to come home for it. And this will be the first time Kody will meet my extended family. He's already met my grandma and my aunts uncles and cousins, but nobody other than that. My family is kinda crazy but I'm excited for him to meet them.
Speaking of family, Kody got a call from his grandma yesterday saying his grandpa wasn't doing well and he was in the ICU at the hospital. I really hope he pulls through this. I lost my grandpa when I was in 4th grade and Im not that close to my other grandpa, so his grandpa is like another grandpa to me. I hope we have time to go visit him while we are home.
I'm also really excited to go see Harry Potter on Sunday. I haven't seen it yet because every time a new movie comes out I have always gone with my grandma and I don't want to break that tradition just because I'm living away from home now. First I have to rent the last one because for some reason I haven't seen it in two years, since I seen that one in theaters.
I hope I have a good weekend. I think that its going to be pretty eventful. And going home always makes me feel better.
Before I go I want to let you guys know about the newest blog I started. Its a One Tree Hill fan blog that I started on wordpress. I am a die hard and One Tree Hill fan and I've been wanting to start this site for awhile, so here it is. If your a OTH fan I highly recommend you check it out! I'm so excited about it, and I think you'll love it.
The link is
Well, have a good weekend :)
Monday, July 27, 2009
I'm Starting to Feel Better :)

But anyway, I caught him outside smoking, when I thought he only took hits occasionally from people at work. He told me he did that, but he would never buy a pack again. So I asked him where he got it from and he told me he bought his own pack. Thats what upset me the most because he told me he wouldn't do that. But he told me he got the pack like 2 or three weeks ago and has only smoke a few from it since then. In my mind, at least he isn't smoking on a regular basis, and he isn't doing it that often, but I was still disapointed in him, and I told him that. So he put the half smoked cigarette out.
My grandpa died of cancer when I was in 4th grade. My grandma is now with a guy, who's she has been with for the past several years, and he has cancer. Kody's grandma had cancer and his mom is at risk for cancer. My grandpa and my grandma's boyfriend's cancer has nothing to do with smoking, but anyone should understand why I wouldn't want my boyfriend so smoke. He's told me that he's quit smoking before but started back up again because he wanted to. I'm scared he's going to start smoking regularly again. And I don't want to lose him to cancer one day. Not only did his grandma have cancer but a lot of her family has died of cancer as well. He said it was breast cancer, but it was cancer non the less.
I know that he could still get some other kind of cancer, that has nothing to do with smoking, but at least his risks are lowered if he doesn't smoke. My grandpa was my best friend and I lost him. Thinking about it brings tears to my eyes. I dont want to lose my best friend to cancer, again. Losing my grandpa was the hardest thing I ever had to go through and I dont want to do it again. I want to grow old with Kody and I want him to die an old man. My grandpa wasn't an old man, he was in his 50s.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Sorry For the Lack of Posting Lately
Everything was good after we got back from visiting his parents a couple weeks ago, but last Tuesday we really got into it. I guess he has been stressed lately and was blaming me for everything saying that he wanted a companion and not a child. Basically saying that I was lazy because I didn't have a job and whatnot. He also felt like I didn't find him attractive anymore and that I hated touching him and kissing him. It made me feel like everything was falling apart and that we were soon going to break up. But we made up, like we always do, and he apologized and said he didnt mean all those things and he knows that I'm going through a slump right now and that everything will be fine once school starts in a month.
But I still couldn't help but feel depressed and feel like our relationship was falling apart and that I may be loosing him. Writing about it now makes me sad and want to tear up a little. He is everything to me, my best friend, my rock. I don't know what I would do without him. I've never felt this way about anyone else before, he is my first true love, my soul mate, the man I'm going to marry. But the both of us know we want to be together forever, so we do whatever we can to make things work and to get over our fights because we dont want to be like most couples who just give up.
Since then I've just been so down, and not really in the mood to do anything but its been getting better that last few days. Kody had a day off Tuesday so we rented a couple movies and got some popcorn and ice cream. Wednsday and Thursday we just stayed in and watched One Tree Hill. And yesterday we also went to the Goodwill and picked up a few books. I'm still on the same book I've been reading, but I'm trying to finish it soon. I think things are starting to go back to what they were when we first started dating. Everything was new and fun and its like the spark is starting to go out.
Last weekend was good though, I had fun, and it took my mind off everything, but once I got home that all I thought about again. Last Thursday and Friday we out to the house to see everyone that we haven't seen for two weeks. We drank and had a good time. And then Saturday it was my friend Porcha's birthday so we went out to the club and had a girls night, which was exactly what I needed and it was so much fun. I think this weekend will be fun too. Were gonna go out tonight, like we do every Friday, and see our friends and other than that I dont know what else we will do.
And I did get a new camera charger so hopefully soon I will be posting pictures of my jewlery on my Etsy shop. I can't wait to get it up and running. Kody has also been researching ways to make money and such, and school is starting soon. Everything is going to be just fine.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
A Long Weekend Recap
Thursday I was suppose to go see my grandma before the funeral but we woke up really late and I didnt have time. I didnt get to see her last weekend, either, so I wanted to be sure I saw her while I was back in town. Pretty much the whole thing we did that day was go to the funera, which was Kody's uncle, who passed away from cancer. I didn't know him because Kody didn't see him much. I mean, I just met his dad, a year into our relationship. I almost cried, though, because my grandpa died of cancer when I was in 4th grade so it made me really think about that. Afterwards we went and had food with everyone who went to the funeral. I always like spending time with Kody's dad and his side of the family. I kept joking with Kody's brother, that he was the irriating brother I never had. And the highlight of the day was Kody's dad calling me his "finace." He's too funny. Last time we saw him he was calling me his "daughter in law." After that we went home and ate another full meal because Kody's mom was making steak for us and since steak is like a luxuray for us we couldn't pass it up!
Friday we went and saw my grandma. We hung out with her for a bit before she had to go over to her boyfriends. He has cancer so my grandma always goes over to make him meals and stuff. Before we left I wanted to show her the jewlery I had been making and she ended up buying a pair of earrings and a bracelet. I wasn't expecting that at all. I was just going to give her the earrings, since she liked them so much, but she ended up buying them and another thing. She gave me $20 for both. I'm using it to buy a new camera charger, which I found on Amazon for about $20 (including shipping), so I can take clear pictures of my jewlery and finally get them on my Etsy shop. After leaving my grandmas we went back to my house and my mom's boyfriend ordered some food and we hung out there for a couple hours. We would of headed back to Kody's but my grandma told us about the benifit they were having for her boyfriend so I wanted to stop there and say hi before we went back. That night we planned a night out at the drive in with Kody's mom, stepdad and little sister. Transformers was playing so I was really excited to finally see it. I like it until the end, I started to get bored. The story wasn't as good as the first and the action scenes lasted forever so I just got bored. But Shia looked hot!
Saturday we had to get up early because Kody worked at 11 and we had to make the 1 1/2 trip back home. As soon as we got back, though, I immediatly went to bed. That night we went out to our usually party house since we hadn't seen our friends for two weeks. There wasn't many people there, since everyone was recovering from the night before, but I still had fun.
Yesterday we didn't really do much. We woke up, went to eat at Jimmy Johns, and went to Sears so Kody could get a new pair of work pants. Then later that day he went to work for a few hours, I made another bracelet I decided I would surprise him with dinner. I made spagehtti, since I can't make much else. He was really surprised and happy that I did that for him. So we settled down to eat dinner and afterwards we watched Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, since he's never seen it before.
One of the best parts of the weekend was playing with this little cutie. I think I posted about him before. Its the puppy at Kody's parents house. He's around 2 months now. I love him!

I thought I would let you all have a good laugh and post this picture of my grandma's cat. He's 16 years old now and his whole life he's been really really fluffy. He's gotten so old that he can't reach and clean himself so his fur was getting really ratty and he had clumps of hair everywhere. My grandma just got him shaved, and I have to say he looks really funny! :P
Well, I hope you all had a great weekend and have a great week ahead!
It Was All A Misunderstanding
I guess it was all just a big misunderstanding. The software my boyfriend "stole" of the internet, sold his information to all these porn sites and that's why he had a negative balance on his bank statement and was getting those emails. Two sites had charged his card when he checked the other morning, and then by the time he got back from the bank and was calling to close his card, there was a third charge. Thank God, he got the 50 some dollars back in his account that they had taken.
I was just thinking the worst because there have been multiple situations in the past where he has lied to me and kept things from me, so I figured this was one of those times. It took me awhile to trust him again after he cheated on me last summer, and after I was starting to trust him, he was emailing his ex girlfriend and when I asked him to stop, he continued to do it and kept it from me.
Now this wouldn't bother me, if the girl wouldn't constantly call talking bad about me, who she doesn't even know, and keep telling him that its her he should be with. This is what his ex girlfriend did all the time, when we first started dating. She would call all the time and then he wouldn't hear from her for a few months, and then it would start up all over again. Well, this past winter, I told him that it had been awhile since we heard from her, so he decided to email her, to see if she was doing alright. This is not the part that bothered me. I thought it was nice of him to do that, and I figured she was finally over him. I figured that, until she sent him a picture of herself, and was talking about how she broke up with her boyfriend and what not. Now, I am not stupid, I am a girl after all, and I know how other girls work. I told him that she still had feelings him, and that I felt uncomfortable with him talking to her. Now, I am a person that stays friends with all her exes because I think its good to stay friends, but none of my ex boyfriends have ever talked bad about Kody and none of them have told me over and over again that I should be with them instead of Kody. Kody has even met my first love, and they get along great.
So I told Kody I felt uncomfortable with him emailing her, so I kindly asked him to stop. It wasn't that I didn't trust him. I knew, and will always know, that he loves me and I am the one he wants to be with for the rest of his life. It was the fact that I didn't like this girl, because she constantly talked about me to him, when she doesn't know me, and she constantly threw it in his face that he shouldn't be with me, but her. I really don't appreciate that and for that reason I will never be nice to her. His other ex girlfriends seem like such sweet girls. I even met one last New Years, and she was so nice. I really want to meet his ex girlfriend, Jessica, because she seems like such a sweet girl, and she was the one that told him he needed to tell me he cheated on me. They still talk every now and then, and that doesn't bother me, because she respects our relationship. This other girl doesn't. I'm not going to respect someone, if they don't respect me.
So, I kindly asked him to stop, because it made me really uncomfortable, and I knew it wouldn't be long til she was throwing herself at him again, because I knew she still had feelings. I thought he stopped until I saw his email, because he left it logged into my phone. I asked him about it, and he said he felt bad so he continued to talk to her. I got upset because instead of feeling bad for lying to me and keeping this from me, he felt bad for her. She makes people feel bad for her, with her "I hate myself attitude," and whatnot. And after I confronted him about it, he told me he didn't want to talk to her anymore anyway because she was back to her old way, and she was talking about me, again, just like I told him she would. After she starting doing this again, he finally realized that I was right, and she did still have feelings for him. So he emailed her one last time to tell her that I was right about it all, and she wrote back and told him that I was right, and she did have feelings for him.
That was in the winter, and he hasn't talked to her since. I guess she's doing well, because his sister brought her up the other day while we were at his parents house. I'm glad she is doing well. I don't wish anything bad for her, because I'm not that type of person. I don't hate anyone. Not even that girl that seduced my boyfriend and caused him to cheat on me. I would just never try and be nice to them. I know Kody loves me and he only wants to be with me, and that we're going to get married. He's my first true love, and I can't imagine my life with anyone else. Thats why I forgave him for cheating on me. I know he made a mistake and it would never happen again. I still have dreams, all the time, though, of us breaking up, but I know it's not going to happen. But I guess, deep down somewhere its a huge fear of mine.
The whole cheating and ex girlfriend thing is why it upset me so much that I thought he was keeping this porn thing from me. I mean, I don't care if he watches porn, or looks at porn. I know he did last summer, when he didn't see me for a couple weeks, and I think he has recently. I just dont want him to hide it from me or lie to me, because it makes me feel if he lies about that, he could lie about anything. And I just found some naked girl pictures on his phone not too long ago, which he kept from me, and is why this upset me alot also.
But after confronting him, he assured me I have nothing to worry about.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Am I Overreacting?
Well today I went on his computer to download some music, and his email was open to an email saying his account was verified, and it was for a porn site. This porn site charged you almost 50 dollars to be a member, but it said he owed nothing, so I'm thinking I just caught him in a lie and he either didn't buy the computer software and he bought this porn instead, or he got both. Well not buy, but stole.
Not only did he become a member of this site, but he became a member of another porn site, which I believe is free. And not too long ago I found porn saved to his phone. Last summer I knew he looked at porn when he didn't see me for awhile, but we live together now, and have for almost a year. Now I just feel like I'm not good enough or something and I don't know what to do.
As soon as he gets home from work, I'm going to confront him about it. Do you think I'm overacting or do I have a right to be pissed?